How To Apply

We will not be able to accept new students for Fall 2025 – See below for an archive of the application info for when we reopen applications


Anyone participating in either Bridge program (ACS-BP or ING-BP) must be a MSU Denver student prior to the beginning of their first semester. The application processes for both programs are outlined below along with information on applying to MSU Denver.

Application Instructions for Postbac Bridge Programs

Preparing To Apply

To prepare for your application, have the following resources ready:

  1. A list of all colleges, universities, or specialized institutions you have attended
  2. A list of all college level science and math courses you’ve completed (and your grades). Please allow yourself at least one week to complete the entire application prior to the due date.
  3. Contact information for at least one person willing to provide a reference letter on your behalf. One reference letter is required, up to three references letters will be accepted. Contact your reference letter writer at least 2 weeks in advance of the due date. (See Table 1 below for complete list of Important Dates)

All applications to the ING-BP program are submitted directly through MSU Denver. Since the ACS-BP program is part of the American Chemical Society Bridge Program, you can apply to that program in one of two ways, which are discussed in the drop-down boxes above.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must fulfill the eligibility requirements for both the University and the MSU Denver Postbac Bridge programs for consideration. If applying to the ACS-BP, applicants will also have to fulfill the additional eligibility requirements for the American Chemical Society Bridge Program.

Table 1. Important Dates for Application and Review

MSU Denver Postbac Program (ING-BP or ACS-BP Applications)

Month Day Action
February 16th Applications Open
April 1st (rolling) Deadline MSU Denver University Applications
April 15th (extended) Deadline: ING-BP or ACS-BP Program Applications
April 22nd Deadline Reference Letters Due
April/May 29th-3rd Student Interviews
May 8th Offers Sent to Internal Student Finalists
May 12th Deadline: Finalists Accept Offers (5pm EST/3pm MST)
May 16th Offers Sent to Additional Finalist (if applicable)
May 27th Deadline: Finalists Accept Offers (5pm EST/3pm MST)

National ACS Bridge Program Application Process (ACS-BP Applications ONLY)

Month Day Action
December 15th Applications Open
March 15th Deadline: ACS Bridge Program Application Due
March 21st Deadline: Reference Letters Due
April 1st Deadline: MSU Denver University Application**
April 10th Deadline: Modified Direct ACS-BP Application Due
April 15th-26th Student Interviews
May 2nd Offers Sent to Student Finalists
May 12th Deadline: Finalists Accept Offers (5pm EST/3pm MST)
May 16th Offers Sent to Additional Finalists (if applicable)
May 27th Deadline: Finalists Accept Offers (5pm EST/3pm MST)

**For applicants who discovered MSU Denver’s Postbac Bridge program solely through the American Chemical Society Bridge Program Application process, please complete the MSU Denver University Application before June 1st.

Contact Us

Have a question? We can answer it!

Whether you have a questions about the program or how to apply we are here to help. Click below to send us an email!

Contact Us

Email: [email protected]

Office Location:
Main Office: Science Building Room 3062 (SI 3062)

Office Hours:

Mailing Address:
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Campus Box 52
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362